October is here and you know what that means, Dynasty Deep Dive is back to it’s weekly Saturday slot. Razzball Hoops has entered a new era, but for those of you DDD faithful, nothing has changed in what will be another year looking at the rookies, next year’s draft class, and of course my personal favorite, European basketball.
So what have I got for you this week? In a conversation sparked with a fellow basketball fanatic and birthday boy Jay Collins, I thought we’d keep things familiar and take a closer look at our shiny new toys, now that we know where they will call home.
“Best draft class in a decade.” “Multiple future All stars.” “Not seen a draft class like this since 1999.” We have been promised much from this rookie draft class, especially from myself over the past 18 months. Now, we are finally at the doorstep of yet another season and, once again, face those mixed reports on some of the future stars of the NBA. We must properly value these new students of the NBA so that we don’t overpay for them.
This week we will veer off the usual DDD path and delve deep into the murky underground of the unknown to look at how FT% may help, and just as importantly hinder, your roto leagues. Let me put my money where my mouth is and guide you through the Do’s and Don’ts.
Please, blog, may I have some more?