It’s been a while since you’ve angrily stared at a basketball roster and wished you could start all over … unless, you’re Dan Gilbert, in which case, not a day has gone by where this wasn’t something you did at least twice. I hear you. I feel you. I touch you, Tommy. It’s all good. It’s that time of the year again. Time for Kevin Martin to strain a tricep? No … well, I mean, yeah. If this were a normal season, that would be correct, but for 2011, it’s time to sign up for one of Razzball’s fantasy basketball leagues. Come. Join in our reindeer games (because, sadly, reindeer will be in season when the NBA kicks off!)

The details are being etched into stone tablets as we speak, but here are the basics: we’re going to open as many 12-team leagues as there are readers interested in joining up. Last year, I only updated the combined efforts of each league a small handful of times. This year, I’m putting on my Hulk hands so this year’s handful will be much more plentiful. After all 1,980 regular season NBA games are tabulated, we’ll crown not only individual winners from each league, but one supersexy, ultra-macho, uber-menche winner among all the winners. (What’s he or she get for winning? That’s a good question. I’m working on it. Maybe something, maybe nothing. If you’ve got ideas, drop them in the comments – gently). We’re going to take the best scores among all the leagues to determine the best overall fantasy owner. Your standing in each individual league will determine your standing within your league. Picture your individual league as your division or conference. Pictured it? Good. We’re moving on.

Here’s how things shook out last year. For the Top 10-15 players from last year, I’m creating a special league for just you guys. Make sure to mention your final standings in the comments if you happen to be one these lucky cats. If you’re a forgetful lucky cat, the final standings can be found here.

We’re going to fill up as many fantasy leagues as we can for the next couple of weeks with a draft sometime between December 15-23.  Each Razzketball league will be a 12 team, 13-player Roto rosters (I know H2H is preferred, but it’s harder to link multiple leagues with H2H) that will shape up like this:  PG/SG/G/SF/PF/F/C/C/3 UTIL/3 BENCH.  The fantasy leagues will be played at ESPN’s site and they will be free to join. I prefer Yahoo, but Yahoo doesn’t give non-leaguemates the ability to see the leagues – those yahoos.

Drop me a line down in the comments so I know how many pints of apple juice and boxes of animal crackers we’re gonna need. If you’re interested in being a league organizer (we’ll need one per league to accept the other 11 people into the league, set up a draft time, set it up on ESPN, etc.) please say so in either the comments or you can message me on Twitter (TWEET!), Facebook (LIKE!) or even Tumblr (TUMBL LIKE!) if you’d like to look at girls in bikini right before you alert me to your interest in joining one of the RCLs. 

Jazzed? Good. Go sign up!