*Sign-ups are now closed! Fill out the form below to be added to a waitlist for next season.”

Fantasy Football has the Scott Fish Bowl and RazzBowl while Fantasy Baseball has the TGFBI and the RazzSlam… and as the former lead here Son has mentioned in the past, these “Kumite” tournaments are amazing because they allow readers and fans to compete with the content-creators in the industry and the greater community as a whole. So now, Fantasy Basketball has the RazzJam!

The tournament will be played on the NFC (National Fantasy Championship) website, where the best high stakes leagues are run for all the major sports. The general format will be: slow draft, 8-cat, and Roto, replicating the NFBKC Draft Champions format.

Drafts will begin on October 10th at 12:00 PM EST. There will be a two-hour timer. NFC utilizes “Third Round Reversal,” so the first two rounds are standard snake draft order (1-12, 12-1). In the third round, though, the 12 slot picks first. After that, everything returns to normal.

There will be multiple leagues with an overall champion being crowned at the end. Kumite! Kumite! Obviously, the more participants, the better, so fill out the form below if you’d like a link to join!:
