You gotta have a draft day routine; the things you do or eat or wear to ensure you’re in the best possible zone while picking players that you will spend the next nine months swearing at. What do you mean Troy Murphy might miss the start of the season? He was my fourth pick! Oh, that sonuvabee! Personally, I enjoy a bowl of orange Jell-O, the sounds of Jurassic 5 (or Dean Martin, depending on my mood) and to conduct my entire draft pantsless. None of these things are a problem when I’m snakedrafting. Sometimes at live auction drafts, my friends get weird about it. Frankly, they should be less worried about that and more worried about all the orange Jell-O I’m no longer planning on sharing since they made fun of me.

Another important draft day tool designed to make you feel most comfortable is the 2010 fantasy basketball draft tiers spreadsheet. <– Note: don’t click that link if you do not want to see the spreadsheet. I probably didn’t have to tell you that, but they have warnings on Tide containers asking parents not to let their children do shots of detergent, so I might as well cover my bases.

I find that having draft tiers handy saves a lot of time in middle-to-late rounds. By the end of your draft, most drafters are focusing in on either specific stats necessary to round out their teams or specific positions. And even among those searching for specific stats, usually only two or three positions are possible destinations to find that player you’re looking for.

We’ve restructured and updated the fantasy basketball top 200 lists (Boozer, Murphy, etc. have been dropped down the rankings appropriately) and divided the list among the top five positions. Orders within tiers are not necessarily ranked from best to worst, within each tier, the players are all worth about the same.

In case your scroll up function is on the fritz, feel free to click here for the 2010 Fantasy Basketball Draft Tiers.